
Strawberry Hill Farms 2025 Perennial List

Most Perennials sold in 3 qt pots or 8”pans

**(Subject to availability)**

Achillea:  see Yarrow

Agastache:  Blue Boa, Kudos Mandarin $9.50

Ajuga:  Black Scallop, Burgundy Glow $3.99 (4 ½” pot)

Allium:  Millennium, Summer Beauty $8.50

Anemone:  Honorine Jobert, Pamina $8.50

Artemesia:  Powis Castle, Silver Mound $9.00

Asclepias: tuberosa $3.99 (4 ½” pot)

Astilbe:  Vision in Pink, Vision Vulcano, Vision in White $9.50

Bachelor Button:  Montana Blue $9.50

Balloon Flower:  see Platycodon

Baptisia: australis $12.00

Bee Balm:  see Monarda

Bellflower:  Rapido Blue $9.00

Black Eyed Susan: See Rudbeckia

Blanket Flower:  see Gaillardia

Bleeding Heart:  Alba, Spectabilis $12.00

Brunnera: Alexander’s Giant, Sea Heart, Silver Heart $10.00

Butterfly Bush:  Buzz Magenta, Buzz Midnight, Buzz Purple, Chrysalis Blue, Chrysalis Cranberry, Chrysalis Pink $12.00

Campanula:  see Bellflower

Candytuft: Iberis Tahoe $8.50

Cardinal Flower:  see Lobelia

Carex: Evergold $8.50

Catmint (Nepeta): Cat’s Meow, Cat’s Pajamas $9.50   Walker’s Low $3.99

Columbine: Kirigami Blue & White, Kirigami Red & White $3.99 (4” pot)

Coneflower:  see Echinacea

Coral Bells: Berry Smoothie, Caramel, Copper King, Paris, Pink Panther, Electric Plum, Fire Alarm, Palace Purple, Twist of Lime, Obsidian, Limo Marmalade, Georgia Peach $9.50

Coreopsis:  Sunfire, Uptick Gold & Bronze, Uptick Yellow & Red, Uptick Red, Firefly, Solanna Golden Sphere, Solana Bright Touch, Jethro Tull $9.50

(Threadleaf) Sizzle & Spice Crazy Cayenne, Sizzle & Spice Curry Up, Sizzle and Spice Hot Paprika $9.00

Cranesbill:  see Geranium

Crocosmia:  Lucifer Red, George Davidson Gold $9.00

Daylilies: Stella D’Oro $8.50, Ruby Stella $8.50, Fooled Me, Pardon Me, Moses Fire, Band of Fire, Bella Lugosi, Collage, Daring Deception, Diva’s Choice, Entrapment, Lies and Lipstick, Tiger Blood, Black Stockings, Happy Returns $8.50

Delphinium: Summer Cloud, Summer Night $9.00 Sky Blue/White Bee, Red Lark $10.00

Dianthus:  Firewitch, Flashing Lights $9.00 Constant Beauty Crush Burgundy, Raspberry Surprise, American Pie Cherry Pie, Sugar Plum, Georgia Peach Pie, Berries a la Mode $9.50

Digitalis:  see Foxglove

Echinacea: Sombrero Salsa Red, Sombrero Lemon Yellow, Sombrero Granada Gold, Sombrero Adobe Orange, Powwow White, Powwow Wild Berry $9.50

Ferns: Godzilla $11.00, Ghost $11.00, Ostrich $12.00, Lady in Red $10.00, Brilliance $10.00, Silver Falls $10.00, Regal Red $10.00

Foxglove:  Dalmatian Purple, $9.50

Fragaria (Strawberry): Tarpan $3.99 (4 ½” pot)

Gaillardia: Arizona Sun, Arizona Red Shades, Spin Top Copper Sun $9.50

Galium: Sweet Woodruff $8.50

Geranium:  Johnson’s Blue, Magnificum, Rozanne $8.50

Grasses:  Ravennae $11, Silberfeder $11, Burgundy Bunny $9, Oborozuki (sweetflag) $8.50, Corkscrew Rush Big Twister $8.50, Maidan $10, Elijah Blue Fescue $8.50, Hameln $9.50, Lightning Strike $10, Cosmopolitan $11, Variegatus $11

Heleborus: Eternal Spark $12.00

Hemerocallis:  see Daylilies

Hens & Chicks:  assorted varieties $3.99 (4 ½” pot)

Herbs: Multiple varieties of Lavender, Salvia, Thyme, Mints etc.  $3.99 (4” pot)

Heuchera:  See Coral Bells

Hibiscus: Airbrush Effect, Mars Madness, Starry Starry Night

Hollyhock: Malva Zebrina, Black, Assorted

Honeysuckle: Major Wheeler $12.00

Hosta: Atlantis, Blue Mammoth, Blue Umbrellas, Dream Queen, Orange Marmalade, Mama Mia, Twilight, Wide Brim, Patriot, First Frost, Guacamole, Francee, Whirlwind, Orion’s Belt, Pin Up, Minutemen, Paul’s Glory, Gold Standard, Bullet Proof, Color Festival, Georgia Sweetheart, T Rex, Captain’s Adventure, Night before Christmas $9.50

Hyssop:  Orange $10.00

Iris:  Golden Edge, Clarence, Double Standard, Ensata Variegata, Sea Double, Summer Olympics, Concord Crush, Rosalie Figge, Albo Variegata $8.50

Ivy:  Green, Gold Child, Glacier $12.99 per 6-pack

Lamb’s Ear:  Helene Von Stein $9.50

Lamium:  Purple Dragon/Beacon Silver $12.99 per 6-pack

Leucanthemum:  see Shasta Daisy

Liatris:  Kobold

Lily: Matrix, Golden Matrix, Orange Matrix

Liriope:  Spicata $12.99 per 6-pack, Big Blue, John Burch $4.99

Lobelia:  Queen Victoria, Starship Bronze Scarlet, Starship Blue $9.50

Monarda:  Cambridge Scarlet, Sugar Buzz Grape Gumball, Sugar Buzz Bubblegum Blast $9.50

Mums:  assorted colors $3.99 (4 ½” pot)

Pachysandra: Green $12.99 per 6-pack

Penstemon (Beardtongue): Husker Red, Electric Blue, Red Rocks, $9.50

Peonies: Karl Rosenfeld, Festiva Maxima, Sarah Bernhardt, Sorbet $15

Phlox (creeping):  Drummons Pink, Emerald Blue, Candy Stripe $3.99 (4” pot)

Phlox (upright garden phlox):  Fashionably Early Lavender Ice, Super Ka-Pow Blue, Super Ka-Pow Fuchsia $9.50

Pincushion Flower/Scabiosa:  Butterfly Blue $9.50

Platycodon/Balloon Flower:  Double Blue, Fairy Snow $9.50

Plumbago $9.00

Polemonium: Brise d’ Anjou, Bressingham Purple $10.00

Poppy Oriental: Prince Orange, Royal Wedding $9.00

Primrose (Oenothera):  Siskiyou, Twilight $8.50, Missouri $9.00

Pulmonaria:  Mrs. Moon $8.50

Roses: All My Loving, Cinco De Mayo, Cha-Ching, Dick Clark, Double Delight, Drop Dead Red, Easy To Please, Fragrant Cloud, Fragrant Plum, Julia Child, Ketchup & Mustard, Miss Congeniality, Niel Diamond, Pop Art, Purple Tiger, Scentimental, Smokin’ Hot, Top Gun, Pink Freedom $29.99 (2 Gallon Pot)

Climbing Roses:  Don Juan, Fourth of July, Lady in Red, Golden Opportunity, Sky’s the Limit, Stormy Weather $29.99 (2 Gallon Pot)

Knockouts: Sunny, Double Red, White $29.99 (2 Gallon Pot)

Rudbeckia/Black Eyed Susan Goldstrum, Gold Blitz $9.00; Irish Eyes, Chocolate Orange, Cherry Brandy, Denver Daisy $9.50,

Russian Sage (Pervoskia):  Blue Jean Baby $10.00, Crazy Blue $9.50

Salvia:  Apex Blue, Apex Pink, Lyrical Blues, Lyrical Rose, May Night $9.50

Scabiosa:  see Pincushion flower

Scrophularia:  Red Birds in a Tree $11.00

Sedum:  Autumn Fire, Banana Split, Frosted Fire $8.50

Shasta Daisy:  Alaska $9.00; Crazy Daisy, Madonna, Sunbeam, Whoops-a-daisy $9.50

Speedwell:  see Veronica

Stachys:  see Lamb’s Ear

Sweet Woodruff: See Galium

Thyme: Red Creeping, Creeping Whooly $3.99 (4 ½” pot)

Trollius: Golden Queen $9.00

Veronica: Red Fox, Royal Candles $9.00

Vinca Minor:  Bowles, Illumination $12.99 per 6-pack

Yarrow:  New Vintage Rose, Milly Rock Red, Moonshine, Paprika $9.50

Yucca: Color Guard $12.00